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Daily Prayer

Every day, Christians all over the world say Morning and Evening Prayer together. We praise God with Psalms and hymns. We listen to what God has to tell us in his holy Word. We bring to God our needs and the needs of the world in prayer. Next to the Mass, Morning and Evening Prayer are two of the most important parts of the daily worship of the Church.

Daily Prayer (also known as the 'Daily Office') connects us to the life of the wider Catholic Church, using prayers which have been used since the earliest days of the Church. It also connects us with our own expression of Catholic Christianity as members of the Church of England, which has always taught the importance of daily Morning and Evening Prayer as a way of deepening our faith and growing in holiness as a community.

If you would like to join us in Daily Prayer at St John's, the usual service times can be found here , or contact one of the clergy team.

If you are unable to join us in person, please do join us in prayer using the links below, where you can find the order for Morning and Evening Prayer.

Morning Prayer

Evening Prayer